[EVENT] Knight Time Battle Spire

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Be6Ja1min, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. hey Hey Hey.
    (this event is sponsored by Knights of the crown outpost)
    so you guys like mob arena right?
    well this event is mob arena in the waste.

    Concept :
    when night hits in the spooky smp5 waste. the group difficulty is set to diff 10. the mythical platform in the air allows heaps of frightening Minecraft creatures to spawn the mobs can only spawn there 100s of mobs attack you... YOU jump in the trenches below and you fight those creatures with all of Emcs might. The emc archers shoot with arrows sniping only the ugliest mobs. Will you survive? I don't know. Will we survive? I don't know. Are you ready? Yes.

    Time :
    9:30 pm EMC timeSmp5

    what you need :
    brave warriors fight with nothing.
    but I don't recommend that.
    there will be iron armour
    there will be food
    there will be iron swords and beds
    there will be a safe zone
    there will be zones were you can swipe at the monsters feet to be safe.
    there will be emergency exits out of the trenches.
    Echests and chests.

    of course we recommend fully enchanted diamond armour and god gear. because its brutal.
    do not worry about durability as group xp will be on and your gear will be mended up :)

    Where will the event be :
    waste ne smp5
    we will meet you there at 930
    there will be bubble elevators to the platform

    hosts :
    Knights Of The Crown Outpost Members

    Rules : please follow these rules.
    You must be in the group to partake.
    no fighting about who gets who's drops. who gets it who keeps it.
    players can keep the drops.
    don't steal players loot for example :

    if there is a spark and you see a player who killed it running towards it, don't run since your didn't kill it :)

    do not place or break blocks that were placed before.

    people cant steal your loot if you die so don't accuse them off it might get messy.

    you must have enraged and boss spawns on. just to make it fun for other players and yourself :)

    If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
  2. Sounds fun! Ill be there.
  3. :eek:
    I am a chicken, but i love Events.
    I will attend and I will die - but I will smile.
  4. I would love to attend, but at level 10 I expect the mobs to lay waste to me.
    luckycordel and Bennylikesditto like this.
  5. I mean with 6 people we were absolutely Fine. Kinda worried there wont be enough mobs ;)
    luckycordel likes this.
  6. is it 9:30 AM or PM?
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. Knowing Benny, it's 9:30 pm EMC time.:D
    Bennylikesditto likes this.
  8. Yes it’s Pm, thanks Lucky! Will change now
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. I dont think I will make it, but it sounds fun! post some pics if u can :D
    Bennylikesditto likes this.
  10. I'll be there if I'm able. Which SMP? I'd like to make sure I have spare gear there before the event.
  11. Waste at the North East Outpost on SMP5
  12. Event is tonight :)
    Stnywitness likes this.
  13. 15 Min to the event :)
  14. Event is still going on!
  15. Event is done! thanks for everyone for coming!