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Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
Jan 5, 2013
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Amersfoort, the Netherlands

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Ruby Forum Member, Male, from Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Don't forget to join the Piwi Day giveaway if you didn't win before! ;) https://empireminecraft.com/threads/piwi-day-2024-year-of-knitting-piwi.87705 May 27, 2024 at 2:59 AM

607 was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 3:51 AM
    1. 607
      I'm getting baptised on May 1st!
      1. MoreMoople
        Awesome :)
        Mar 20, 2022
      2. BenCannoli
        Nice. Congrats!
        Mar 23, 2022
    2. 607
      I got a viral video for the first time... it wasn't being shared around a whole lot, but YouTube kept recommending it. It is currently my most viewed video, with over 100k views!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Ah, interesting!
        Mar 16, 2022
      3. TomvanWijnen
        I just went to your information tab on your profile in the hope to find it, which was successful. :P
        Mar 17, 2022
      4. aletrisrex
        More view if u post link here :p
        Mar 18, 2022
    3. 607
      Our kitchen is getting renovated! It's caused me a lot of stress so far, but I think it will be worth it!
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        They still haven't finished it! Apparently our houselord only ordered the sink on Monday??
        Mar 16, 2022
    4. 607
      I wish I had created a thread about CAPTCHAs in 2013. We've seen a lot of interesting developments over the years.
      1. Equinox_Boss, Unoski and Kryarias like this.
      2. ultipig
        and how they've gotten worse
        Feb 27, 2022
    5. 607
      Well, Eunice was intense! I hope everyone stayed safe.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    6. 607
      I went to the zoo today with the study association, which was very fun. We did break a climbing frame, I hope that turned out okay. Those of the board that were present did go to confess, but I didn't see them after...
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. 607
        I just cleaned my wounds from it, and I've seldom felt so much pain. :$ I hope the others got hurt less than I did. They look alright now, though, and they don't hurt as much as before cleaning them either, I think!
        Feb 16, 2022
    7. 607
      I love Super Mario Bros. and The Lost Levels (Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan). I unlocked worlds A-D on the Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary Game & Watch. 16 levels I've never played before! Very exciting.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. 607
        I think I'm going to play at most one new level a day. ;)
        Feb 5, 2022
    8. 607
      Well, I got sick, that makes it a bit easier to recover! Although I feel like my responsibilities are simply piling up, rather than being taken up by others.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    9. 607
      I taught two people from my student's association classical logic yesterday evening, that was fun. :) They were great learners!
      1. farmerguyson
        Were you teaching them digital logic? Classical makes me think music but then I can't work in the logic.
        Feb 2, 2022
      2. 607
        Propositional logic and first-order predicate logic, to be specific: both classical logics.
        Feb 2, 2022
    10. 607
      I'm exhausted.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. aletrisrex
        I hope you better soon. Same here, get tired for almost 1 month
        Jan 21, 2022
      3. farmerguyson
        Rest up whenever you can. Supposedly a 15 minute nap can do wonders and that can be done anywhere, as long as your not driving or I guess walking.
        Jan 21, 2022
      4. 607
        Unfortunately not, farmerguyson, I can only sleep when I take melatonin.
        Thanks, W1therRex.
        I am taking things easy! Next block I might have even more to do than currently, but it also might be a bit less. We'll see.
        Jan 21, 2022
    11. Dufne
      hi there :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        Hi Duf. <3
        Jan 21, 2022
    12. 607
      I breached 2000 tracks on my phone! At this point it might be years since any given track on there has been played. ;) (I always use shuffle)
      1. Equinox_Boss and Nickblockmaster like this.
    13. 607
      New forum rank!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Get well soon, Moople! (and not just to update the wiki page ;P)
        Jan 6, 2022
      3. 607
        @St3rButterfly: I learnt quite a bit of my early English on EMC too!
        Jan 6, 2022
      4. MoreMoople
        Thanks, 607! I'm still kicking and the wiki has been updated. ;)
        Jan 6, 2022
    14. 607
      Happy New Year! This is the second year that fireworks aren't allowed in the Netherlands, and I feel like there isn't really less than there was two years ago. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    15. 607
      Grading programming assignments, it surprises me how many people didn't manage to finish their project before handing it in.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    16. 607
      I made an update to the video game I made last year for my cousins. They enjoy the game a lot, it makes me quite happy to see. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and UltiPig like this.
    17. 607
      I've got to admit I recovered pretty quickly. And then I really got into it right away: among other things, I walked and talked with a friend I hadn't spoken to in a while, and we fit costumes and took pictures with our theatre group. Very glad I didn't have to miss those things!
      1. Equinox_Boss, w1therrex and UltiPig like this.
      2. 607
        Nice, exactly 280 characters. :P
        Dec 15, 2021
      3. aletrisrex
        oooh nice, it remind you about old friendship! Hope you still kept it (nice ones) :)
        Dec 16, 2021
      4. 607
        Yes! I never forget old friends, and I try to speak to them online now and then (maybe once in two years), or meet up in person if possible.
        Dec 17, 2021
    18. 607
      I exhausted myself, and now I have to stay home and have trouble doing homework. I hope I recover quickly, but I guess I make it harder by still wanting to be so productive.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    19. 607
      I left my iPad in the train... I think I'm tired. >.< Having to teach a class without glasses today won't help. And this evening I am host for my student's association, as yesterday. 😅
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 607
        Sorry, Moople! That's annoying... but I'm sure that you were still able to do well? :D
        Dec 7, 2021
      4. 607
        It's been a day and I have not heard from NS' lost and found or received a call from an independent finder. Not too sure I'll get it back, to be honest.
        Dec 7, 2021
      5. 607
        I didn't get it back!
        I'm surprised. I wonder what happened to it.
        Dec 12, 2021
    20. 607
      I left my glasses at my parental home. >.<
      1. Equinox_Boss and UltiPig like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Oh no! How long will it be before you can get them back?
        Dec 5, 2021
      3. 607
        Two days, probably, they will send them by mail. :) I hope I have them back before my next class. I help students learning to code, and I don't fancy having to ask them all to zoom way in on their code. xD
        Dec 5, 2021
      4. 607
        Before the next class I teach, I mean. I will take a class tomorrow, but that's fine, as then I can only inconvenience myself. ;)
        Dec 5, 2021
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    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26


    Home page:
    Amersfoort, the Netherlands
    I make my own signatures these days. :)


    Google Talk:
    607.filler@gmail.com (Google Talk doesn't exist anymore but this is my address)