Welcome to EMC Auctions / Rules [Read This FIRST!]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 3, 2012.

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  1. Basically, I vote for replacement of the quantity rule with a better one (or two if really needed).

    * The new rule(s) should take into account that there is a great difference in rarity and value between different materials / items, so that, e.g., dirt or sand is not treated in the same way as diamonds or emerald ore.

    * The new rule(s) should not be discriminating - bot in regard to the players with different (lower) budget nor in regard to expensive materials / items.

    * The rule "one auction per account at a time" shall stay and be enough to prevent overflow of auctions.

    * Other misuses of the auction forum can be dealt with on case by case basis. "Spamming" within auction threads should be dealt with and reduced (there's a lot (IMO too much) "spamming" there now).

    * Locking of an (auction) thread should always be explained in the thread itself, readable for all. A moderator should not be able (or allowed) to lock a thread without explanation in a posting of his own (so that it is clear who locked the thread). I've added this here because it happened to me - an auction thread of mine was recently locked without any explanation or recognizable reason.

    One idea: "reasonable bulk quantity - usually a full chest or more, or a starting price higher than 3,000r"
    (tune the limit) and ""spamming" with pointless auctions will lead to warning and if repeated to exclusion
    from the auction thread"
    Perhaps there are better ideas how to cast that intention into a rule.

    If the intention is just to reduce the number of auctions no matter what,
    if choking of the market is tolerable side effect or even intentional,
    then there is no need to change anything, but to add the explanation of the
    rules to the corresponding post, so that everyone can understand the intentions
    behind the rules.
  2. At this time, the rules of auctions will remain as they are, but thank you for your input and thoughts, regardless. If you want to sell items in any quantities with no set rules, please refer to the http://empireminecraft.com/forums/marketplace/ forum.
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  3. About pick-up time limit - Just wondering how long one should wait until the auction winner picks up his items. For expample, If I auction items and the winner is declared Nov 1, 2012 but he still hasn't picked up the items from the access chest I created for him. Should I wait longer? and how much longer? For that matter what is the etiquette for how many times I need to contact the auction winner?
  4. It depends ...

    • Has he already paid you?
      • If yes just be patient, he/she might be away and just hasn't told anyone (or contact him/her to make sure).
      • If no you reserve the right to let the next-in-line winner declare item ownership and pay you instead.
  5. Is there a way to check how many times an item has been used because i have the best possible enchanted pick but i accidently used it once.
  6. You can't auction off used items.
    jkjkjk182 and Dwight5273 like this.
  7. Once a Enchanted Item is used even if once it's invalid for auction. sorry
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. Can you fix it?
  9. Fiiiiiine. It takes 40 levels of enchantment to fix though.
  10. Pshht, thats nothing.
  11. While that is a completely lovely goal to be met.
    I can't help but feel it is a bit off-topic.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  12. :D sorry
  13. You said that whatever price the auction finishes on, you have to sell it for that price, is there no way we can put a reserve on an item? Most people are put off by high starting prices and i wouldnt want to risk selling a dc of redstone for 2000r
  14. It's a gamble when you auction a item or Dbchest of items what price you are going to get. If a player truly wants it they will outbid anyone until they certain it's theirs. :)
    southpark347 and serialthrilla42 like this.
  15. You can consider your starting price your reserve if you wish, as it is the least amount of rupees you are willing to part with the items for.
    M4nic_M1ner and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. Am I allowed to auction off enchanted items and a beacon?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. I dont see why not.
  18. As far as I can remember, no. But I'll wait for another reply on this.
  19. Also, are you allowed to make an option like if I was auctioning a beacon, could I put an option to allow the winner to buy the amount of (insert ore here) blocks needed to make a max pyramid?
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