Last activity:
Oct 17, 2023
Jul 10, 2016
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District 6 - Panem
Videographer, Adventurer, Writer, & World Traveler

Official Media

Minecraft Blog
Empire Minecraft YouTube


Dedicated Member, Male, from District 6 - Panem

Headed to college 😎 time to study Film Production! I haven't been playing lately because I've been adding content to my YouTube channel and getting ready for the transition. Feel free to check it out & subscribe! Aug 24, 2022

Stnywitness was last seen:
Oct 17, 2023
    1. Stnywitness
      1. crystaldragon13
        Good luck and besides learning a lot.. take time to enjoy the experience. =]
        Aug 26, 2022
    2. Stnywitness
      That moment when you think about filming a "surviving 24-hour" video when a snowstorm approaches...
      1. SteamingFire
        Hard mode has been activated. Would you like to proceed?
        Feb 1, 2022
    3. Stnywitness
      Cats or dogs?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stnywitness
        :( I'm afraid I disagree. They don't bark, are easier to maintain, no drool, clean themselves, more affordable, and... if I may add... way cuter. Much, much cuter.
        Jan 18, 2022
      3. CarFryer
        G U I N E A P I G S

        To answer the question seriously though, I like cats a lot better. Dogs are very loud and demanding of attention and while they are still cute, they're not good for my sensory issues. I'm allergic to cats though... D:
        Jan 18, 2022
      4. DWmom
        Both. Always thought I was a dog person. Now I have three cats and 1 dog. Love them all. <3
        Jan 20, 2022
    4. Stnywitness
      I randomly gave away more than 20 promos and 40K in rupees last night, lol. Might want to hop online so you can participate in the epic bouts of hide and seek and fastest typer wars!
      1. Stnywitness
        Ope, well scratch that. Nothing like a random dp to increase smp7 traffic xd
        Jan 8, 2022
    5. Stnywitness
      Why, hello there :D Fruit snacks. That's all I have to say
      1. UltiPig likes this.
    6. Stnywitness
      Came back on the forums to see I received the Empire Elder award. Been that long, ay? πŸ˜…
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    7. Stnywitness
      Still alive... :D Enjoying a great summer filled with traveling and spending time with amazing friends.
      1. Joy_the_Miner and MoreMoople like this.
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        I'm glad to see that you are still with us man. I hope to see you more active on the forums soon!
        Jun 22, 2021
    8. Stnywitness
      I apologize for not being active lately. I haven't gotten ingame in months, and I don't check the forum like I used to. I've been focusing on other things in life, and I'm really excited about it. :D Don't worry though, I'm not leaving anytime soon. I'll be around... :)
      1. Joy_the_Miner and MoreMoople like this.
    9. Kaddrii
      also yes get discord and add my Kaddrii#3879
      1. Joy_the_Miner likes this.
      2. Stnywitness
        Sorry, I don't have discord atm ... but if I do I will surely do that :D
        Apr 2, 2021
    10. Kaddrii
      Happy April fools! miss you <3
      1. Joy_the_Miner likes this.
      2. Stnywitness
        Awww... thank you Foxy!! I missed you too
        Apr 2, 2021
    11. Stnywitness
      I am overwhelmed right now. It is almost 1. I am tired... I have so much to do. Leaving for vacation tomorrow, and I just have a ton to do in a little time. Juggling business, school, & friendships... emc is @ the very bottom of the list rn. Just haven't had time to be on lately.
      1. Joy_the_Miner likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. farmerguyson
        EMC has a very strong community. Take care of real life then come back when you have a break. We will all be here.
        Feb 19, 2021
      4. Stnywitness
        Thanks guys :)
        Feb 22, 2021
      5. Stnywitness
        607: I wanted to let you all know about what is happening to me in rl. Empire is still important to me, and I want to share what I'm going through, but it is being covered up by all the things happening rn. I am definitely not going to be active in the coming years, but I will still be around. :)
        Feb 22, 2021
    12. Stnywitness
      When the whip cream bottle recommends a 2 tablespoon serving... and you fill a large bowl with it and eat it all...
      1. Joy_the_Miner and dorameow like this.
      2. SoulPunisher
        Feb 16, 2021
      3. Stnywitness
        Feb 16, 2021
      4. Joy_the_Miner
        I bet that tasted so good for you, yeah? :3c
        Jun 22, 2021
    13. Stnywitness
      I find it kinda strange how I go back and listen to an Ed Sheeran song I haven't played in like a year or two and I am still singing all of the lyrics perfectly πŸ˜†
    14. Stnywitness
      I'm writing again...! :D This one I am aiming for 40-55K+ words. I am really pleased with it so far!
      1. Sachrock likes this.
    15. Stnywitness
      I'm not kidding about this: 50-70% of all of my/our fast food orders have at least one thing wrong with them. I find this honestly just disappointing. It doesn't matter what restaurant I go to.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stnywitness
        Considering that the average American eats out 4-6 times a week... once a week doesn't sound too bad. Plus, the day I usually eat out is the day I have lots of classes back to back, and afterward, I am usually really hungry, and it is far away from my home.
        Feb 6, 2021
      3. Stnywitness
        farmerguyson: I understand that, most of the time when I catch the error in the order soon enough they will let me have an extra taco, burger, whatever... but most of the time I realize the error in the order a little late
        Feb 6, 2021
      4. Nickblockmaster
        I feel mixed with eating out. Depends on where you go, and how often you eat that type of food. I probably will eat out 2-4 times a month. I prefer homemade meals for the majority of the time, but some nights it’s just too convenient to pass up a pizza delivery! πŸ₯³πŸ•
        Feb 6, 2021
    16. Stnywitness
      I saw a bald eagle down by the river on our property! And... I even got it with my GoPro :O We do have a nest somewhere down there, but we don't see them super often. It was really cool!
      1. Nickblockmaster
        That’s cool! I was out at a lake for work the other day, and saw the first bald eagle I’ve seen in almost a year. Very beautiful birds!
        Feb 5, 2021
      2. Stnywitness
        Yes! They are very pretty
        Feb 5, 2021
    17. Stnywitness
      Let it snow... let it snow! Let it cover the earth and... um... houses... :P
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    18. Stnywitness
      I've been using PirateShip to ship my various Ebay and Bricklink packages. Man! How is it legal? haha.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stnywitness
        Well... it isn't good for USPS, but good for the people cuz it saves them money. So I'm a happy seller, but USPS ain't a happy company (tbh, they haven't been for years.)
        Jan 25, 2021
      3. triphora
        Well, it's not a company, they're a government-funded public service that's been repeatedly defunded by the government to prevent things like mail-in voting and is almost bankrupt.
        Jan 25, 2021
      4. __Devil_
        ^What waffle said. They're not a company and never have been. What you're possibly thinking of is UPS. Which stands for United Parcel Service and they are a company.
        Jan 26, 2021
    19. Stnywitness
      We are building a new building on our property (irl)! We are so far calling it the event barn... for parties, events, concerts, etc. We are all excited about it! Getting the frame for it within the week :D
      1. Ahzeriel3553 and farmerguyson like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Stnywitness
        Sounds awesome :D
        Jan 14, 2021
      4. Stnywitness
        We got 20 tons of gravel for this building today, along with the steel frame! Whohoo!
        Jan 14, 2021
      5. McAwesome_09
        Jan 20, 2021
    20. Stnywitness
      When I try to place an Uber Eats order with a gift card and family members are begging me to get them something...
      1. triphora
        Uber Eats gift cards exist? lol
        Jan 5, 2021
      2. Stnywitness
        Well... not physical ones I don't think... but digital ones, yeah. They might have physical cards, idk
        Jan 5, 2021
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    "It's the rainy days that give us love for the sun / There's millions of us just like you"

    Go to /v hardcoreparkour on utopia for the biggest parkour course on EMC!
    Go to /v +stnymall on smp2 for your shopping needs!


    District 6 - Panem
    Videographer, Adventurer, Writer, & World Traveler
    Love making, directing, acting, and editing videos and movies, writing books, reading, insanely complicated strategy board games, archery, soccer, rockets, and lots of other cool and dangerous activities. :D