Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
Lab Supervisor

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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

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    1. Krysyy
      Power went out at 4:30 am. Expected to hopefully be fixed in the next hour. On phone now and will switch to laptop when this runs out of power and when it's normal awake hours. Funny how I can't sleep without the hum of the ac outside my window ...
      1. DrMadFate and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        Well, I'm glad I don't have any audible hums in either home. :P
        Apr 29, 2020
    2. TomvanWijnen
      You deserve infinite love for adding the 24 hour clock to the forums, thank you so much!!! :D
      1. MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
      2. Krysyy
        Remember: If something breaks, it totally wasn't me =P (you're welcome)
        Apr 28, 2020
      3. TomvanWijnen
        I am sure that nothing broke! ;) :D
        Apr 28, 2020
    3. Krysyy
      My stomach is turning inside out. No more ordering food in during this quarantine. Coming things myself from here on out.
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
      2. khixan
        Feel better soon!
        Apr 26, 2020
    4. Krysyy
      Being woken up to kill a tarantula your dogs are flipping their minds over at 1 in the morning. #uglywakeupcalls
      1. DrMadFate and AmusedStew like this.
      2. jewel_king
        that is terrifying
        Apr 25, 2020
    5. bonzd67
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    6. Krysyy
      Happy birthday to my oldest fluffball Zara. 3 years old!!!
      1. MoreMoople
        Aww, happy birthday to Zara!! Give her lots of treats and love :D
        Apr 20, 2020
    7. Krysyy
      Haven't done my own nails in 5+ years and while that sounds preppy, it's because I'm ocd and used to bite them unless they were perfect and 'pretty'. When uneven, they would bother me. Now I have to figure out how to do them myself or ruin years of nail growth 😬
      1. DrMadFate, BenMA and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        You can do it! :)
        Apr 19, 2020
    8. Krysyy
      Waking up to your phone blasting about a tornado warning is not fun. So much for the extra sleep. (Warning passed and I'm safe)
    9. ShelLuser
      Congratulations on 3k ("3,000") days on the Empire! I'm 5 days too late, but such a nice milestone number is too impressive in my book not to comment anyway! Onto 4 thousand? ;)
    10. Krysyy
      RIP Merle Haggard
      1. DrMadFate and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        Apr 10, 2020
    11. TomvanWijnen
      I'd like to briefly comment on this: "it's no longer the very obvious April Fool's day". It's not for everyone immediately obvious. Different cultures "celebrate" the day more than others. The recent measures have also caused many people to forget the date, due to regular routines being ruined for many.
      1. TomvanWijnen
        I didn't notice it until after I saw many others talking about it in the status bar. It was one of only three April fool's joke I saw the entire day. Just figured I'd let you know. :)
        Apr 2, 2020
      2. Krysyy
        I get it, but at the same time my comment was meant to indicate the concept of the thread itself and Shell's mention of it and how they didn't realize, etc. I was stopping that thread before it turned into more than it was, a simple commentary about Fred.
        Apr 2, 2020
      3. TomvanWijnen
        Understood as well. :) Just figured I'd mention it. :)
        Apr 2, 2020
    12. Krysyy
      Internet out in my area for to a dump truck crash. Bad timing with needing to work from home...
      1. DrMadFate likes this.
    13. KoolAid42
      Love the avatar! :D
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    14. Stnywitness
      Great avatar :D Another wonderful masterpiece done by Moops :D
      1. 607 and MoreMoople like this.
    15. SkeleTin007
      Loving the avatar that Moops made for you Krysyy :)
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    16. Rhyblet
      Congrats on bronze forum member
      1. SkeleTin007 and jacob5089 like this.
    17. Krysyy
      I've been reminded yet again that it is no longer winter and that spring has sprung. Thanks Moople for the avatar!
    18. Krysyy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crystaldragon13
        awww naaah. =,\
        Mar 29, 2020
      3. Sadie_Dragon
        I don't know him but (after failing to incognito, thanks lenovo for thinking right is left) after hearing him, sounds familiar.... Sad to hear....
        Mar 29, 2020
      4. Sadie_Dragon
        (and hilariously that youtube rabbit hole led me to a Ray Stevens nostalgia trip, so.. thanks?...)
        Mar 29, 2020
    19. Krysyy
      Facebook live concerts are kinda awesome! 25k people watching Cojo. #bestseatinthehouse
      1. DrMadFate and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Wow! That's neat :D
        Mar 26, 2020
    20. Krysyy
      Might venture out to find dishwashing pellets tomorrow. Should bet on if I'll be able to find any this go around. (Last 3 attempts unsuccessful)
      1. DrMadFate and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Good luck! It's been a struggle to find stuff like that here. I imagine it would be even more of a struggle in your area :o
        Mar 26, 2020
      3. 607
        Maybe you should allow yourself to order them online at this point?
        Mar 26, 2020
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    Austin, Texas
    Lab Supervisor
    I've had the joy to be a member of Empire Minecraft for over 6 years, and a staff member for a good 4+ and going.

    I have 2 large fur babies that I love dearly: Zara and Zoboomafoo (Zaboo). They are a Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mix, respectfully, and love their cuddle time.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play EMC all day and do have to actually pay the bills, so I have what you call a full-time job :eek:*shocker*. I'm a Lab Supervisor at a medical clinic in heart of the great state of Texas. :cool:

    I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, so if you ever want to talk about it, just shoot me a message. If you send me spoilers for an episode, without clarifying that I've seen it first, I will not be a happy camper, so please don't.:mad:

    That's really about all I have to say...
    If you haven't yet, make sure you read the rules and always follow them. It makes me happy and everyone likes a happy Krysyy!:D