Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
Lab Supervisor

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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

  • Warning: Inactive Staff This Staff member is currently inactive, but will return as soon as they can.
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    1. Olga
      Is your skin? No. It couldn't. Is it Amy Pond?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Krysyy
        my avatar on here is, my skin i recently changed but i might change back...i made it myself =D
        Aug 14, 2012
      3. Olga
        Awesome. It's amazing :D
        Aug 14, 2012
    2. Equinox_Boss
      Im from Austin, TX. :)
      1. Krysyy
        Really? Im oriinally from around Austin but am going to college in College Station =D
        Aug 5, 2012
      2. Equinox_Boss
        Aug 5, 2012
    3. Krysyy
      Working July 31 - August 21 for over 12hrs per day. Please message me on here. After this time period, I will be as active as ever =D
      1. Equinox_Boss and DrMadFate like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Krysyy
        Leasing consultant for an apartment complex...we have 20 days to make sure over 900 bedspaces are ready for the next resident.
        Aug 5, 2012
      4. Nitroblitz2201
        awesome ;)
        Aug 5, 2012
      5. Nitroblitz2201
        awesome ;)
        Aug 5, 2012
    4. ieattoast12
      also i need to pay
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Krysyy
        Lol we just got this sorted out, sry i went to dinner.
        Jul 25, 2012
    5. ieattoast12
      krysyy i cant get in and get back on
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    6. ieattoast12
      ok thnks
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    7. ieattoast12
      ok ill take a suite for 2k permanent and when u get the other tower built i will save up more money get a penthouse for 8 k but ill take a suite for 2k permanent now
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Krysyy
        Ill be on later this afternoon in probably about 5 hours and i can take care of that for ya toast!
        Jul 25, 2012
    8. ieattoast12
      hey can i get a room in ur hotel i saw the model suite and i would like that one but how much is it for permanent
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Krysyy
        Suite: 2k permanent
        Penthouse: 8k permanent
        Super penthouse: has to be built first =P
        Remember the expansion means more penthouses...i have suites available soon in the second tower...
        Jul 25, 2012
    9. Traynfreek
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    10. ilyvion
      So, I did "/v 3553" to look at your Tardis, but I can't find my way out. How do I get out so I can see it from the outside? :P
      1. top_benny and Equinox_Boss like this.
      2. Krysyy
        go to neighbor res
        Apr 19, 2012
    11. ignoramoose
      I'm wise to you!
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    Austin, Texas
    Lab Supervisor
    I've had the joy to be a member of Empire Minecraft for over 6 years, and a staff member for a good 4+ and going.

    I have 2 large fur babies that I love dearly: Zara and Zoboomafoo (Zaboo). They are a Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mix, respectfully, and love their cuddle time.

    Unfortunately, I cannot play EMC all day and do have to actually pay the bills, so I have what you call a full-time job :eek:*shocker*. I'm a Lab Supervisor at a medical clinic in heart of the great state of Texas. :cool:

    I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, so if you ever want to talk about it, just shoot me a message. If you send me spoilers for an episode, without clarifying that I've seen it first, I will not be a happy camper, so please don't.:mad:

    That's really about all I have to say...
    If you haven't yet, make sure you read the rules and always follow them. It makes me happy and everyone likes a happy Krysyy!:D